7 SUV parts and accessories giving a finishing touch to your vehicle

Posted by admin | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 07-07-2014

Typically, when you buy an SUV, the vehicle is equipped with all the primary functional parts. Even though they definitely ensure the functionality of your vehicle, they may not give it the style and personality it really deserves. Only you can breathe life into your own vehicle, so we decided to pay your attention to some SUV parts and accessories that might help you get started. Those are mostly minor interior parts enhancing your driving experience.

suv accessories

Floor mats

Floor mat is a vivid example of an accessory no one notices if it fits the style of your vehicle. Yet, an old, or weird, or an out-of-style mat is an eyesore, and it is impossible not to notice it any time you open your vehicle door.

Cargo liners

Basically, the same thing goes for cargo liners. Trunks can sometimes get pretty messy, and cargo liners are designed to help you solve this problem. If you want to keep your trunk clean and undamaged, getting a cargo liner in time is an excellent idea – you will be able to save a lot of time and effort while tidying up.

Roof racks

roof racks

A roof rack is another accessory that can give your vehicle a style of its own and bring superior functionality. Even if you are not going to use it all the time, you should still choose a rack(s) that will not ‘cripple’ your vehicle, and look natural. All in all, there are plenty of options, and if you would like some specific examples, take a look at http://www.carid.com/roof-racks.html

Seat covers

One more accessory that can change the look and feel of your car is a seat cover. Seat covers offer a great chance to show what you care about and create a cozy atmosphere in your vehicle. The options are virtually unlimited – both in terms of material and in terms of color. The most popular materials include leather, velour, and neoprene. Color range does not have any limits at all, so use your imagination!

Trailer hitches

Surely, not everyone uses a trailer, but if you do, it is better to think about a trailer hitch beforehand. Depending on your goals, you can choose between weight carrying and weight-distributing hitches. The first ones forward the weight to the suspension, while the latter ones distribute some of it to your front wheels.


Once again it is important to stress how great it is when the car is not messy. If you want to keep everything in order all the time, get a couple of organizers for your vehicle. Typically, such accessories include mini-trash bags, pocket pods, consoles, and other accessories, helping you to keep your SUV tidy.

Bike racks

Finally, if you enjoy a nice bike ride somewhere in the wild from time to time, you might want to get special bike racks. Most drivers install them on the roof, yet we would recommend clamping the bike fork to the rear wheel of your vehicle. It is much safer, handy, and simply nicer from the esthetic point of view.
Surely, this list can be continued. Yet, we want to pay your attention to some accessories drivers typically forget. There are plenty of ways to customize your vehicle interior and exterior, as SUVs can be equipped with audio and stereo systems, custom gadgets, navigators, etc. If you want to get more information about SUV parts and accessories, visit our website section at CARiD: http://www.carid.com/suv-accessories.html

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